Businesses operate following the number of customers associated with them because customers drive revenue, and a more significant number of clients signifies more revenue for the business. Every aspect of your sales and marketing approach depends on targeting your clientele and appeasing them into liking your product/service. Sustaining the company by keeping customers satisfied can be vital because, according to statistics, most customers switch over to competitors not because of the unavailability of appropriate services/products but due to a lack of good customer experience with the company. Enterprises use various programs, systems, and tools to avoid such intricacies and enhance customer contentment.
One such tool is the customer relationship management (CRM) software which mainly focuses on managing, tracking and categorizing current and potential customers by storing customer data like the preferences of the client, the timing of ongoing business, records of services/or products the customer is interested in or have purchased at some point, etc. The CRM software is used by businesses in their call centre to gather information about the customer’s account and call history with the company, which can work wonders for improved customer retention and segmentation.
Another excellent tool for augmenting customers’ impression of the business is cloud telephony services, which helps in upgrading your business communication from the traditional private branch exchange to the cutting-edge technology of communication through depreciation of equipment and connection from any device. The cloud telephony solution works on host servers and an internet connection, which enables constant updating of phone system features, high scalability through campaigns, customization for users, etc. and cost-efficiency due to their accessibility.
So, what is an automated call management CRM? The answer is quite simple, yet the outcome is relatively very productive. When the cloud telephony system is integrated with a CRM software, an automated call management CRM is generated that helps agents to take inbound calls coming through the cloud telephony solution to automatically appear on the dashboard, which is the CRM platform with all the possible information regarding the customer. This system enables the agent to understand the client and their needs in a detailed manner because of all the provided data and ministers with their problems accordingly. Another advantage of an automated call management CRM is that agents can save time as the need for data entry eliminates, and they can concentrate more on customer experience.
What are the different attributes of automated call management CRM?
1. Apprehending All Calls
It cannot be denied that while taking some of the inbound calls, the agents might miss a few customers who have tried calling while the agents were attending to other customers. With the help of a cloud robust call management system, you can easily keep all the customers happy by call forwarding and missed call services. For example, when the customer calls, if one agent is already attending to another customer, the call can be forwarded to another available agent, or the customer can give a missed call. Once the agents are available, they can call the customer back. In this way, any existing or potential customer gets pleasant services, and all the calls can be apprehended without a single lead miss.
2. Detailed Customer History
With automated call management CRM, each customer’s information can be recorded and stored from both inbound and outbound calls. When it comes to loyal customers, they like to deal with agents having good knowledge about their previous transactions, complications and other involvements with the company. An automated call management CRM platform can be beneficial and effective in such cases and assists the agent in providing the customer with a more personalized experience.
3. Integration of IVR System
The Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system is one of cloud telephony’s most competent and simple automated features. The IVR system can be customized as per the business orientations so that whenever the customer gives any data input, it can be stored and automatically uploaded to the CRM platform to be accessed by agents while solving the problems of the customers. Also, the IVR acts as an automated receptionist that keeps the customers entertained till an actual human can help them, which diminishes exasperation and vexation in customers
4. Boost in Marketing Approaches
Business marketers promote the company’s services/products and want customers to show interest by connecting with the company. Providing leads with links through click to call services, adding forward name options to social media and website virtual numbers, etc. can provide a boost to the marketing approaches for your company. An automated call management CRM helps the marketer know from which link or campaign the call was forwarded and which campaign generates the maximum number of potential customers. This allows marketers to focus on and analyze the various marketing methods for a particular service/product.
5. Call Monitoring & Real-time Reports
The business’s growth depends on analyzing problems and finding impeccable solutions. When your customers reach out to you with their issues on inbound and outbound calls, it is imperative to monitor and analyze the calls through recordings and call barging, highlighting the problems, and the company can examine whether the proper solutions are being provided or not. Real-time data such as average call response time by agents, average call handling time, and average waiting time of customers can offer significant insight towards customer satisfaction and revenue generation.